Parties' Weaknesses and the Country's Strength
Record votes in the four main bodies
It decides British Labor policy demonstrates the changing power and influence between the two factions of the party in recent years. The Labor Party, which holds an annual conference of elected delegates representing the party's six million members The National Executive Committee, a 28-man policymaking body chosen by the membership The parliamentary Labor Party composed of Labor members of parliament and The Trades Union Congress, which represents Britain's eight million union workers
The efforts of house of commons
In all recognized labor organizations the Bevanite faction has been constantly outnumbered and outvoted. It has no official standing in the Labor Party, and it is neither organized nor has a distinct membership. An estimated 40 to 60 of the 294 Labour Party MPs in the House of Commons are members of the parliamentary Bevanite group. Bevan has made a significant effort to ensure that members of his political wing are represented in positions of power within.
Past policies and trade
At its yearly congresses, the Trades Union Congress overwhelmingly rejected Bevan's left-wing policy. In 1952, the Bevanites unsuccessfully challenged the middle-of-the-road T.U.C. leadership; in 1953, when they proposed a number of home and international policy motions, they were heavily rejected. Resolutions by the Bevanite delegation, requesting a reduction in British arms spending and an increase in East-West trade, were defeated by a 5-2 margin at the TUC convention in October.